A unique series of
Golden Products
Today, these products are gaining popularity, attracting new admirers every day.
The Golden Kalitsouni inspired the creation of a unique range of Golden Products.
These special products emerged after Michalis Zouridakis visited the United Arab Emirates, where he had a series of meetings with members of the Royal Family.
He managed to fulfill their most extravagant wishes and crafted a collection of Golden Cretan Products.
Today, these products are gaining popularity, attracting new admirers every day.
You can purchase them and learn all about them through this website,
and also explore the entire range of products offered by the Zouridakis family

golden kalitsouni
Vestibulum finibus diam eleifend ipsum fermentum iaculis. Morbi lorem sapien, ornare nec scelerisque ac, convallis vel diam. Proin sodales, lectus sed imperdiet mollis.
golden rusk
Vestibulum finibus diam eleifend ipsum fermentum iaculis. Morbi lorem sapien, ornare nec scelerisque ac, convallis vel diam. Proin sodales, lectus sed imperdiet mollis.

Zouridakis Family
Our product range
productsTraditional Cretan
Handmade Rusks
Traditional recipes
of aroma bread