Unsalted Rye Rusk

Handmade rusks with rye flour, type 70 flour, olive oil, sourdough, and yeast.



Flour from rye. Rye is a grain believed to originate from wild grasses in central Asia or from wild rye found in Syria, Armenia, and Iran.

Preparation Method
Rye flour comes in various varieties. Light rye has been processed and has the bran removed. Dark rye retains most of the bran and germ.

Light, distinctive, and full flavor.

Nutritional Value
Rye is a very good source of dietary fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, proteins, and vitamin B1. It is also a rich source of phytoestrogens which act as antioxidants.

Ways to enjoy
Rye is at the foundation of a healthy and balanced diet. Consuming rye has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol in men.